About Us

Graham George
Born in London England, Mr. George lived and worked in both Germany and Spain for many years speaking fluently several languages. He moved to the USA in the early 1990,s where he founded, built and sold a successful manufacturing company. Later, his focus turned to environmental issues where he assisted in the creation and development of several environmentally friendly formulations currently marketed globally.
In 2009, he founded EPDI a licensed NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) decontamination company that also manufacturers Anode Heads. EPDI continues to develop and blend specialty chemicals.
In 2017, Mr. George sold controlling interest of EPDI and founded Environmental Solutions and Control –ESAC. ESAC has partnered with universities globally to contribute to ongoing environmental research . Several years ago, Mr. George formed the first industry university collaboration regarding radiation and related contamination issues with Dr. Sheldon Landsberger at the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Lab at the University of Texas. Mr. George, Dr. Landsberger and their team have continued this relationship publishing numerous papers on NORM and Arsenic contamination.
The primary goal of ESAC is: To provide environmentally safe solutions through proven science to help resolve industry issues with NORM, Corrosion wherever possible.

Sheldon Landsberger
Dr. Landsberger is a Professor in the Nuclear and Radiation Engineering technical area within the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering. He has served on the faculty of the Cockrell School of Engineering since 1997.
He has published more than 250 peer-reviewed papers and more than 195 conference proceedings mainly in nuclear analytical measurements and their applications in nuclear forensics, natural radioactivity, radium isotopes and their decay products in oil and gas exploration sector, and environmental monitoring of trace and heavy metals in the air and soil including leaching characteristics.
Dr. Landsberger was appointed as Director of the UT Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory (NETL) from 2002-2006 and Area Coordinator of the Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Program from 1997-2012 and 2017-present. He currently holds the Robert B. Trull Chair in Engineering from the Cockrell School of Engineering. Since 1988, Dr. Landsberger has served the International Atomic Energy Agency as an expert consultant in various functions.
Recent Publications:
“Improvement of Quality in The Evaluation of Radium Isotopes 224,226,228Ra in Oil Scale Samples”, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 322,1305-1309 (2019).
“Radiological and Non-Radiological Leaching Assessment of Alkali-Activated Materials Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Phosphogypsum”, Sci. Tot. Environ. 660, 1098-1107 (2019).
“Environmental Assessment of Red Mud by Determining Natural Radionuclides using Neutron Activation Analysis”, Environ. Earth Sci., 78. Article 114, pages 1-9 (2019).
“Investigation of Bauxite Residue (Red Mud) in Terms of its Environmental Risk J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 319, 339-346 (2019).