We offer a variety of services in various environments
Radiation Decontamination
NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) is a naturally occurring phenomena and contamination can occur in many areas such as soil, water, mining and not limited to oil production.
Exposure to radiation is serious and can often be fatal.
ESAC offers a range of tailored solutions to reduce or contain the contamination to safe levels, therefore reducing exposure to workers.
NORM and Environmental Surveys
ESAC offers NORM and Environmental Surveys completed by our certified technicians
Our survey teams conduct a detailed survey of the problem area and determine if there is a hazardous work environment. If you would like to schedule a survey, please contact us for further details.
Soil & Water Analysis services are available via our affiliation with the Labs at NETL(Nuclear Engineering Teaching Labs)located in Austin at the University of Texas.

Rust and Scale Corrosion Removal
Rust can be easily removed using various methods including biodegradable chemical treatments. Depending on the location of the rust, ESAC offers a number of solutions that can be used to treat and solve the issue.
General Contractor
As a general contractor, we have the ability to address any construction and project requirements.
Scrap Metal Decontamination and Disposal
Contaminated scrap metal can be treated and NORM readings can often be lowered to acceptable levels to allow disposal. ESAC’S experts are ready to evaluate any project.
Gamma Ray Spectrometer
ESAC offers a gamma ray spectrometer specifically designed for in-field analysis of NORM in practically any surface environment.
Results in “real time” within minutes.
The computer program is designed for easy in field use.
Results “pop-up” once the analysis is complete
Backup analytical measurements will be conducted by the labs at the University of Texas at Austin.
Measures Ra-226, Ra-228 and Pb-210.

The gamma ray spectrometer is an instrument used to measure the intensity of radiation and has the ability to determine the amount of energy produced by a particular radionuclide in a sample. Each peak in the spectrum represents the radiation energy of a specific radionuclide. The gamma ray spectrometer is operated through a computer program specifically designed for easy and efficient field use. The results are displayed on the screen once the analysis is complete. The program gives results for Ra-226, Ra-228 and Pb-210 which are the most regulated radionuclides. The spectrometer is sensitive enough to get readings within detection limits of a few pico-Curies per gram which is adequate for the total 30 pCi/g limit for Ra-226 and Ra-228 mandated by many States.

- Easy to train and to operate
- Light weight and Portable Equipment
- Fast Turnaround of Results
- Field Deployable
- Only 20 Grams Needed
- National Institute Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable calibration
- Additional Features Available – Wi-Fi and GPS